TacPack: a monthly loot crate club whatsit we like

Subscriptions boxes: TacPack
October 24, 2019  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

BLUF: TacPack is a (nother) one of those “subscription boxes” monthly crate club type thingamawhatsit, but this one —  so far at least — we actually like.

You can join ’em at TacPackMonthly; use our code BREACH when you do and you’ll get an extra portion of goodies.

Please sir may I have some more? Oliver Twist

Subscription Boxes

Some of these monthly crate/box/whatevs clubs are good. Many are not. Some are the product of shady, grifter-led organizations specializing in fuckery and frequently shitty gear ostensibly selected by SOF guys with a great rep.

Grunt: ostensibly

We don’t get that impression from TacPack.

FULL DISCLOSURE: we’ve only been members a couple of months now, so it’s still early in the romance. They’ve also offered to pay us $5 every time someone uses our code (breach), and hey, that’s five more singles we can donate to dancing moms. But we really do like TacPack so far, regardless.

We’d probably lie to ya, but not about gear.

Subscriptions boxes: TacPack


They describe themselves as a “…great way for people who like surprises to get new great gear that exists in the gear accessory industry. We seek out quality products and test them before putting them in our monthly subscription boxes.”

We see no reason to dispute that.

TacPack says,

“Sign-up.  Then every month, we send you great gear from great companies.  We’re not going to insult your intelligence with little icons or pictures to explain it. Despite what the media says, you can be Pro-2A and be intelligent.”

Here’s one example of a box (this was September of 2019; we’ll post October’s in a bit).

Subscription boxes: TacPack

If you’re looking to pick from among several subscription boxes, take a look at TacPack (and use our code if that’s your choice).

Monthly tactical box from TacPack

Subscription boxes: TacPack

Subscription boxes: this one has TACT BIVVY in it

That one had an adjustable precision style stock from EX Performance, an emergency/lightweight sleeping back from TactBivvy and some other stuff. The target silhouette kit is interesting, though we haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. We reckon the appeal of morale patches will vary from person to person (the same with decals), and we weren’t too spun up about September’s patch. However, the one that came in October is pretty cool!

Subscription boxes: TacPackRifle Things patch from the TacPack October box

The Rifle Things patch from the TacPack October box.

As reviews go, this is pretty anemic we know. Two months worth of boxes isn’t a lot to go on, but we are pretty happy with things so far. If they’ve done right by you, let us  know. If you think they’re assclowns, let us know that (and why).

More on the topic again in the future prolly. Meantime, if you decide to join up, do so using our code (“breach“) at checkout:


Subscriptions boxes: TacPack


⚠️ Some hyperlinks in this article may contain affiliate links. If you use them to make a purchase, we will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. It’s just one way to Back the Bang. #backthebang 


Mad Duo

Mad Duo

About the Author

The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


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