Tiffany Yerby Dillon is Director of Design for 5.11 Tactical, a company no doubt well-known to readers here. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum and is awesome for a number of reasons.

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Tiffany Yerby Dillon is Director of Design for 5.11 Tactical, a company no doubt well-known to readers here. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum and is awesome for a number of reasons.
Recently, I noticed a news article discussing how The Boy Scouts of America were finally accepting girls. I actually thought the article was a joke because I was in Scouts myself, here in Canada, about nineteen years ago when Scouts Canada became completely...
Jenn Jacques, the former editor of Bearing Arms, a Visiting Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, and our new Editor-at-Large!
Today you're gonna meet Patti Miller, one of the most awesome females in the firearm industry. Imagine a tall, hawt, dangerous Laura Ingalls Wilder with cool hair and a suppressed blaster and you'll have an idea who we're talking about. Mad DuoMeet the Minions: Patti...
Who were the Van Buren sisters? Why, WWI era badass who rode across the continent on a couple of Indian Motorcycles, long before there were major highways and interstates, that's who. Mad Duo Today's article was brought to you in its entirety by Daniel Defense...
Blasting With Dr. Biondich Erin MarshallI was scrolling through the PROOF Research Facebook page a few months ago and came across a post about a woman named Dr. Amy Biondich. She is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician who specializes in wilderness and...
WCW: Hêza, Deniz and Rojin and All Women Like Them David Reeder News that US-backed Iraqi forces retook Mosul has been prevalent in many news feeds; this has overshadowed some other significant ongoing events. One of those is the current battle for Raqqa, the de facto...
You've likely seen the Comic Con trailer for the Justice League movie, in which Wonder Woman (thankfully) plays a significant part. You may have also heard that Wonder Woman 2 will hit theaters in December of 2019 — and that the first movie continues to set box office...
Today's Woman Crush Wednesday is a lady who's clearly not suited for the faint of heart, the acrophobic, batophobic, and probably not even the agoraphobic either. Read on, philogynists. Mad Duo Woman Crush Wednesday: Kathy Karlo by Swingin' Dick Kilgore and Slim Call...
Since June 25th is the International Maritime Association's Day of the Seafarer, we figured this week (and this woman in particular) would be the appropriate time and subject with which to start a few Woman Crush Wednesday stories. Meet Capt. Kate...