The 2018 Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun match was held May 12th and 13th at the Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range with KE Arms as the overall match sponsor. Each stage was dedicated to a different Medal of Honor recipient, with elements of the stage being...
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Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun 2018 | KE Arms Stage 4
The 2018 Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun Match was held at Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range. Each stage is influenced the by the actions of a different Medal of Honor recipient, as described in the citation to accompany award. KE Arms was the overall match sponsor. Additional support from Independence Training, We Plead teh 2nd, and InRangeTV. This stage was based on the actions of PO1c. Williams.
Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun 2018 | KE Arms Stage 3
The 2018 Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun match was held May 12th and 13th at the Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range with KE Arms as the overall match sponsor. Each stage was dedicated to a different Medal of Honor...
Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun 2018 | KE Arms Stage 2
Stage 2 of the HaH Heroes 2 Gun Match Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range was inspired by the actions of PFC John Barkley (MoH, WWI).
The DOOM 3-Gun Collection [Nice Rack!]
The DOOM 3-Gun Collection, designed as an homage to the popular video game, began with nothing more than a Shield Sights optic won at a match. A little Frankengun design effort and some hard work results in badassery.
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Good Gear Matters | Hard As Hell 2-Gun Follow-Up
My 2-Gun training, gear, and skill came together- taking me to first place in Trooper-Armored among 24 competitors, and 5th among 82 competitors overall.
Hard as Hell 2-Gun Coming Up Soon
The Hard as Hell 2-Gun Action Match will be at the SUP Shooting Range. Compete in the armored trooper division if you have the stones.
You Should Be Shooting Two-Gun
We’ve heard much about three gun matches, but how about two-gun? Today Russell Phagan breaks it down for you.
Personal Equipment as a Total System
There are those who say competition shooting and equipment has no place in preparation for a real world gunfight. Most of us think that is moronic. Plus, it’s fun way more awesome than golf.