Here is a new form of body armor that is lighter than steel without compromising its protection, West coast body armor.

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Here is a new form of body armor that is lighter than steel without compromising its protection, West coast body armor.
Traveling back and forth to Vegas again has me thinking about EDC in a new way and the potential for off- body-carry, but not for guns. For armor. And Vertx and Premier Body Armor have partnered on a solution that is subtle enough to avoid looking out of place, yet...
These new Level IV plates from ShotStop are described as “ultra” lightweight and are now available online from the manufacturer.
The Safe Life Defense Flexible Rifle Armor System is a rifle system that is designed to defeat 5.56×45 and will also stop 7.62×39. A full NIJ level III is also available.
Once upon a time, before MOLLE, before plate carriers and battle belts, before Cobra buckles, MultiCam, and Facebook, a fightin’ man’s gear options were limited. If you were in the bulk of the armed forces, what you got was an ALICE load-bearing setup: suspenders, a pistol belt, a pair of M16 magazine pouches, a pair of canteens and pouches, and a compass/first aid pouch, maybe even a buttpack, extra ammo pouches, an entrenching tool, the old angle-head flashlight, your bayonet, and even a UM84 holster!
Shotstop armor technologies is a company attempting to mitigate the weight and cost of reliable body armor. Here’s what that looks like.
The Marine Corps has officially started pushing out its newest body armor suite to infantry grunts, supposedly a major improvement over the Corps’ existing setup. According to Marine Corps Systems Command, the Plate Carrier Generation III addresses one of the ages-old issues plaguing warfighters, no matter the year or conflict — weight.
The HRT RAC plate carrier system is based on their previous HRAC plate carrier, with the addition of the MultiZip dual-zipper back panel attachment system.
The 5.11 Tactec Plate Carrier has been available for a few years now but continues to perform well against newer designs. It’s light, comfy, has an excellent capacity for modularity and is extremely well ventilated.
If your current or past life involved law enforcement or military service, chances are you know Safariland. You have almost certainly been issued some of their kits, likely in the form of duty holsters or body armor. Table of ContentsThe Safariland GroupPart 1:...