He says NYET, rifle is fine; that guy loves the AR design. Which gun do YOU say, without delay! They are not trifles, these debates about rifles!

This is a series for those who appreciate not just a good AK 47, but anything that’s Kalashnikov related: AK 74, AK 12, AK training…you get the point.
AKs are a uniquely Russian family of weapons. When we think of Russians, we think of vodka. Thus Vodka Blasters is a collection of all our Kalash related material. Not just the ubiquitous AK47, but the AK74, the AK-pistol, and pretty much anything inspired by Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Kalash articles: take me to all of them.
Some example topics include:
да товарищ калашников это хорошо!
Kalashnikov (11-10-19 to 12-23-13) is the father of the Avtomat Kalashnikova weapon platform. He was born and died on a Monday.
Hence the name of the social posts we sometimes make, Mikhail Monday.
A statue of Russia’s most famous inventor; a monument in Moscow was built in his honor.
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Scroll down to read articles.
He says NYET, rifle is fine; that guy loves the AR design. Which gun do YOU say, without delay! They are not trifles, these debates about rifles!
The Rifle Dynamics Red Oktober match begins on a wet, gray morning in a rock-strewn, dusty locale... That seems a little apropos, though perhaps not the best conditions for participants and competitors. Thanks to Sinistral Rifleman, we'll be covering it. Красный...
Registration is open for the 2018 Rifle Dynamics Red Oktober Kalashnikov shooting championships at Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range. Not a training event! This is for fun, tovarisch.
Happiness is a warm AK, so we put it on a shirt. Now available in Siberian Blue, Cossack Gray, and Spetsnaz Black, and guaranteed to give you the hearty vitality of Rasputin.
The life cycle of AK 74 variants here in the US might be called a comedy of errors. This article has a number of things to update your vodka blaster, whether it’s a Petronov model AK 74 or a different version. It’s fun to play rifle dress-up.
Weapon Trivia Wednesday: DP-28, The Soviet Infantry Machine Gun Peter Suciu Most modern firearms enthusiasts know the name Mikhail Kalashnikov, and certainly his primary accomplishment, the AK-47. However, Kalashnikov was really part of the second generation of Soviet...
The Media Sucks at Guns - Here's Why Peter Suciu After pretty much doing everything but calling the movers, it turned out that Hillary Clinton didn't make it to the White House. But that doesn't mean concerns over "gun control" will go away anytime soon. Even with a...
Today we look at something that’s more than meets the eye: a boobytrapped mag from Bosnia. There’s more going on here than you think.
Can ya build a sub-$1000 AK that runs? Duh. Can ya build one for under $500 though? We’d have said no, then we met the PSAK-47 Beater Heater.
Even with the current importation ban AKs are, 'back in' (though some of our minions have always slobbered over the Soviet Saturday Night Special, maybe the ban has something to do with the increase?). While the aftermarket for the Kalashnikov isn't anywhere near as...