The Friendly Fuzzy Puppy Echo Chamber

March 20, 2016  
Categories: Op-Eds

It’s the Friendly Fuzzy Puppy Echo Chamber, and those inside it truly believe: “We are the only smart ones.

Hardly a week goes by that I don’t see someone post on Facebook “If you believe [x], then just unfriend me right now”. This being election year has only increased the frequency of this type of post.

Or maybe on a gun forum or social media group, you see a “critique my AR-15 build” post, invariably from people not looking for actual input, but instead just looking to reinforce their own [perhaps poor] decision making. What do they do? Argue passionately against any comment, not in their favor.

What they’re really saying is “I am too insecure in my own convictions, and therefore outright reject opinions other than my own.” They don’t want friends or real input—they want an echo chamber. A place where everyone agrees and controversy is quashed outright. The more people in the echo chamber, the stronger the groupthink. The line must be followed.

It’s the Friendly Fuzzy Puppy Echo Chamber, and those inside it truly believe: “We are the only smart ones.

Don’t get me wrong, it feels good to have consensus, the belief that you can fix any problem you set your collective mind to. And it’s also incredibly intellectually lazy and detrimental. It allows you to easily accept terribly shallow arguments against anyone with opposing views, and dismiss them outright. The stronger the groupthink, the easier it is to overestimate yourself, underestimate the opposition, and increase hostilities.


Does this sound like politics yet? It should. The same can also be seen in any even quasi-social organization that at least provides the perception of exclusivity. Hell, in the gun community we see alliances centered around particular manufacturers, schools, or even YouTube channels (with counter-coalitions forming a backlash response just as often). I’m sure you’ve thought of several just while reading this sentence.

This phenomenon isn’t profoundly astonishing. Confirmation bias is strong with humans, which is why we usually only seek out opinions that we agree with—more conservatives listen to Fox News and more liberals listen to NPR.

On the small world side of things, it means that you’re socially isolating yourself. You’ll be less willing or able to deal with real opposition to your views and opinions, and you well may end up like one of these people:



In the large world side, it’s much different. You’ll be able to convince yourself that a haphazard invasion of a foreign country is a good idea (Bay of Pigs) or that you’ll be able to take on a military superpower (Russo-Georgian War), or actively ignore imminent threats right in front of your face (Israel just prior to the Yom Kippur War).

Granted, you’re probably not a world leader (Kim Jong-Un, if you’re reading this—knock it the fuck off already!) but you may be in a leadership position of some sort. Or you may end up in one. Rack your brain and think if you’re good friends with someone who holds at least some diametrically opposing views to yours. If you can’t, chances are you’re engaging heavily in the Friendly Fuzzy Puppy Echo Chamber.


While many meaningful relationships start with mutual interest, and in the case of romantic ones, mutual attraction. But if it hinges on a singular opinion, you likely didn’t have a real friendship, to begin with. At least one of you doesn’t have as much confidence as you thought.

None of this is to say that you should have to befriend outright rude, crazy, or disingenuous people. Shitheads will always be shitheads. It’s just that not everyone who disagrees with you is, in fact, a shithead. Furthermore, none of this should be construed as saying everyone’s opinion should be weighed evenly; this isn’t a Kumbaya drum circle session. While everyone has a right to an opinion, not everyone’s opinion is created equally.

When two different credible, intelligent, and experienced groups (or people) disagree about something, quite often neither side is entirely correct nor incorrect; they may just have different perspectives. Complex problems and issues rarely have pat answers.

But thinking is hard. If you’re okay with holding shallow views, mindlessly regurgitating the thoughts of a social structure, or possibly obtaining extremist postures, stick that thumb back in your mouth and roll into that Friendly Fuzzy Puppy Echo Chamber. Everyone there will agree with you. The rest of the world is dumb, just ask the other people in the group–they’ll tell you.

However, if you want to genuinely strengthen your arguments and ideals and engage in some critical thinking, actively seek points of view different than your own. You’ll be a more well rounded and interesting person for it.

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Dave Merrill

Dave Merrill

About the Author

About the Author: A combat veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Dave "Mad Duo Merrill" is a former urban warfare and foreign weapons instructor for Coalition fighting men. An occasional competitive shooter, he has a strange Kalashnikov fetish the rest of the minions try to ignore. Merrill, who has superb taste in hats, has been published in a number of places, the most awesome of which is, of course, here at Breach-Bang-Clear. He loves tacos, is kind of a dick and married way, way above his pay grade. You can contact him at Merrill(at) and follow him on Instagram here (@dave_fm).


  1. Val Graffa

    Staying in the shallow end of the discussion, I completely concur with the “echo chamber” comparison. I hold the same to be true for the folks who post the Jesus pictures that make an ultimatum; either you like and share, proving you love Jesus, or you ignore, proving you love Satan. Other examples exist; the burn victim, the cancer survivor, etc… All apparently trying to guilt you into consensus.

  2. Dann in Ohio

    Good stuff… this would be good reading by a lot of folks in the firearms training industry…Dann in Ohio

  3. Tony

    That protest is the coolest thing I have seen all week. Just the Freudian implications alone are epic.

  4. Mike

    Good article, and I was going to share it. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to grasp why there is a picture in the middle of the article of a person with a huge dildo strapped to their back. Not something I particularly want to share with friends and family especially my teen/preteen nieces who are a part of my Facebook. Again, good article though.

    • Mad Duo Merrill

      You’re right, I should have offered context. Pictured are both activists on either side of the open-carry issue.“A pro–gun rights group, led by military vet and open carry activist C.J. Grisham, staged a walk from the Capitol building in Austin to the convention center at the heart of the city’s big tech and music festival.In response, a counterprotester turned out to show off something other than a firearm: her bare breasts. They would later be joined by someone from the Cocks Not Glocks movement—I swear I’m not making this up—armed with a bag of dildos.”

      • Wilson

        If you hadn’t provided the links I honestly would have thought you were making this up.

        “Cocks not Glocks” sounds an awful lot like “Mothers Demand Action”, a bunch of ladies who just aren’t getting enough action. Not to be crass here, I mean this in all seriousness, the former group also sounds like an open invitation to rapists.

  5. Btroll

    Is this where you come out and support Hillary?

    • Mad Duo

      [email protected]: What does that even have to do with the contents of this article? Perhaps you could take the time to explain.

  6. Ordnance Marine

    Very good article.

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