Companies in the club are referred to collectively as the “Morningwood Bazaar.” A bazaar is like a medieval marketplace or souk. Only our bazaar sells badass tactical gear and firearm accessories instead of primitive shit.

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Companies in the club are referred to collectively as the “Morningwood Bazaar.” A bazaar is like a medieval marketplace or souk. Only our bazaar sells badass tactical gear and firearm accessories instead of primitive shit.
The handgun used on screen was an Old West double-action revolver, known as the British Bulldog. These were popular five-shot revolvers.
Straight out of dystopian future of Blade Runner comes… oh, wait–this is now. And it’s called the Chiappa Rhino. Nevermind.
Inspection and inventory of your kit — it's often done before going to the range, and even more often before stepping off on a patrol or a convoy. But do you inspect and inventory your non-firearms related gear? Not just the cool-guy #EDC you #postabout on...
Can press-checking affect firearms? Aaron Cowan’s research shows how chamber-checking guns negatively impact the chamber and bullets.
The Ka-Bar TDI Law Enforcement Knife isn't new, and no doubt you've seen it before even if you weren't exactly sure what it was. Its distinctive curved handle gives the knife an extremely low profile, so it's right at home tucked away on a duty belt or under your...
You know this ain’t your average letter opener. We doubt ol’ Grandpa’s letter opener was made by Spartan Blades, but the BT41 certainly was.
New Sage Dynamics Instructor: Jon "Duffy" DufresneRichard KilgoreSage Dynamics has added a new instructor to their cadre, Jon Dufresne, and as it turns out he has a whole lot of nicknames. They include Duff and Duffy (because who could possibly pronounce that last...
JTT: How Not to Look like an American in Foreign LandsRichard KilgoreWe here at BreachBangClear are unapologetically American patriots. However, not everyone in the world shares our love of 'Murica. There are certainly times and places to be a loud and proud American...
A number of unusual firearms were developed as survival rifles for aircraft crews by the US Military. Not intended as fighting weapons, they were more or less designed to help a downed pilot or crew forage for small game. One of our favorites has always been the M6...